2014년 10월 16일 목요일

<Drinking Culture in Korea >

  Koreans like to drink. Drinking culture here is well established from the origins of the country to the modern day. More people drink m Korea than not (65%) and an astounding 96.4% of college students drink. That number doesn't change much for women.
  In fact, the Korean people drink so much that they're jokingly referred to as 'the Irish of the East'. Drinking traditions in Korea follow several rules of etiquette. It's rude to let anyone pour their own drink and you should always check to make sure no one has an empty glass. This constant evaluation of everyone else's drinking creates a soda I and friendly atmosphere, which is why It's common to go drinking with workmates. In fact looked down on to skip these events.
  With the amount of drinking in the peninsula, there's no surprise it comes with its own share of problems. They range from things like traffic accidents to sudden deaths due to alcohol poisoning. A more hidden problem may be the link between alcoholism and domestic abuse. Korea has one of the higher per capita alcohol consumptions and also one of the higher per capita instances of domestic abuse. Rates of liver cancer are also disturbing.
  Whatever reasons to celebrate or disapprove of drinking culture in Korea, there's no doubt it's prevalent and here to stay. Koreans will continue to drink their favored national drink such as soju and makkoli as long as bars keep serving them. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to refer to the Irish as the "Koreans of the West"

1) Should it be banned as drinking on campus? 

2) Statistics show thatunderage drinking iswidespreadShould Korea place stricter limits on  drinking age?

3)In Korea, some kind of people push someone to drink harshly. But, it not big deal for them. Do you think that they are culturally backward or rude?

This video is about Korean drinking culture comparing to Psy's song 'Hang Over'


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